after a long hiatus: midlife rebirth
So much happened since I last wrote, too much to recap. For now a deep breath. Exhale and begin again. This go round no posting schedules, themes, aiming for an audience. This space will function the way we of my generation and before us did with journals: self-expression, an exercise to be ourselves, to reflect and dream aloud without worry of judgment or criticism.
Oh, I don't mind sharing. I'm simply no longer worried what readers might think, if they will comment or embrace my nonsensical ramblings. Anyway, today is just about bringing back some memory to my fingers and brain.
I started this blog pre-midlife. Today is no rehearsal. I'm 55. I have grandbabies. I've lost my dad and my mom really needs me now. I'm back in the city and pursuing work I value. Where do we go? Just where do we go from here?
You embrace the changes and go ahead remembering that you can only do "one day at a time".