smells like rain

i like listening to the wind sing
echoes of late night murmurs
and the sound of beads pounding
against the sill

i like the feel of her heartbeat thumping
against my chest and the breeze
fresh seawater and salt
wet light raining all over me

One of the rare times I've been published. This appears in Maxis Review, Marygrove Press.


  1. You have such a command of sense and mood. This is no exception; it just makes me feel alive.

  2. Wow. I love the phrase...sound of beads pounding...made me think of growing up and hearing the rain on our tin roof. Love!

  3. "wet light raining all over me"

    the first two words suspended, then released. It feels like I could read this with my eyes closed - that's how it feels.

  4. Thanks, M. You know how you have a handful of works of your own that you love? This is one of those for me and the line encapsulates why.

  5. I honestly believe that more of our bloggers deserve to be published but what a difficult forum e-zines are to receive recognition. Your poetry should meet any and all standards set, and I'm gratified to read that this has been published elsewhere. You have achieved the perfect balance between your two stanzas, and the mood created is perfectly tranquil.

  6. Very nice, La Tonya ~~ I was there for a monent
    and then I drifed back into my running days;
    running in the rain with the drops running down my face
    and faintly detecting wet puppy dogs smells.

    Congratulations on it being published.

  7. This touches me. By the way I just published this in my mind and heart


  8. I'm still letting that last line soak in.

  9. "Wet light raining all over me," dang, you simply ooze the romance. It's one thing to write "sexy," quite another to weave words that speak to the sensual in all of us. This is the type of poem that inspires one to take one's partner by the hand and light the candles... Amy

  10. Just noticed you mentioned publication of this. HUZZAH!!

    1. Yes, some years ago. I think I mentioned it in part because the college and editors of the publication mean a great deal to me. If you read the meme above, you'll learn I've been around.

      I should add that I spent more years and energy supporting poets which subsequently affected my efforts to submit my own work. I love poetry and the poets who commit so much of themselves to their craft. Since we're talking about publishing, I'm equally happy to share that the publication I produced with my partner was critically accepted and respected by many and we are listed in the Poet's Directory 2003 or is it 2004. Anyhoo, loved the poets we published.

  11. "Wet light raining all over me" So beautiful. You are so talented.


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